Boldness: Jesus & Bartimaeus

Boldness: Jesus & Bartimaeus

Despite a life of wrongdoing, the thief on the cross repented in his final moments and was met with Jesus' promise of paradise, demonstrating that it is never too late to seek forgiveness and a new beginning.

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Mark 10:52
The story of Blind Bartimaeus is a powerful example of bold faith and the transformative impact of Jesus’ love. Bartimaeus, a blind beggar, hears that Jesus is passing by and begins to call out for mercy. Despite the crowd's attempts to silence him, Bartimaeus’ determination only grows stronger. His bold faith captures Jesus’ attention, leading to a life-changing encounter. Jesus asks Bartimaeus what he wants, and Bartimaeus requests his sight to be restored. Jesus honors his faith, and immediately Bartimaeus can see. This story highlights the importance of humility, determination, and unwavering faith, showcasing the profound impact of God’s love and the miraculous power of Jesus.
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