The Woman at the Well Part 2

The Woman at the Well Part 2

A Samaritan woman, burdened by shame and rejection, encounters Jesus at Jacob's well. His words of living water and true worship transform her, leading her to proclaim Him as the Messiah. Inspired, she rallies her community to meet Jesus, where lives are changed, and hope is found.

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John 4:36
In the heart of Samaria, a broken woman encountered Jesus at Jacob's well. His words shattered her shame and revealed the promise of living water. As Jesus spoke of true worship in Spirit and truth, hope stirred within her. Recognizing Him as the Messiah, she ran to share the news, leading a crowd to Jesus. Witnessing the transformation, the disciples learned the power of sowing seeds of truth. In Jesus' presence, shame dissipated, replaced by hope and belonging. Through Him, lives were changed, and a community found salvation.
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