Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday

Jesus was slain, and the land has been shrouded in darkness for three days. Hope was buried along with the body of Jesus. But, as the light crested over the hills on the third day, hope was revived.

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John 1:5 WEB
Today, we're diving into hope amid despair. Jesus’ death left His followers in anguish, but hope blossomed. In 1 Corinthians 15:55-57, Paul talks about victory over death through Jesus. Death tried to defeat Jesus, but He rose, defeating death. Remember when Jesus emerged from the tomb? It's like when God spoke light into darkness at the beginning. Jesus is our light. For those without Jesus, life's dark and chaotic. But Jesus brings light and life, like a return to Eden. In John 20:19, the disciples hid in fear, like us without Jesus. But Jesus' resurrection changes everything. The resurrection gives us new life. We're not the same; we're new creations! Our purpose and power are renewed. Just as the disciples transformed after Jesus' resurrection, we're empowered by His Spirit. We have the resurrection flowing through us. So, rejoice! We're not alone. Jesus' victory over death means new life for us.
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