Flipping Tables

Flipping Tables

Jesus bursts into the temple with passion and boldness, flipping tables and driving out the greedy moneychangers. People stand in awe as Jesus delivers a harsh rebuke to the religious elite.

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Isaiah 16:3,5
Holy Week marks the time from Jesus' Triumphal entry to his resurrection. Jesus' final days were intense. He shows strong emotions by cursing a fig tree and confronting Jerusalem, causing chaos at the temple. Notice how Jesus speaks about the fig tree and temple leaders. He dislikes fake religion. Jesus acts with purpose, as His time is short. He gets upset when people miss the point. He's mad at the fig tree for not bearing fruit, which symbolizes more than figs. Looking at Jerusalem, Jesus feels sad that they didn't recognize Him despite His efforts. He's upset when people ignore the truth due to pride, which blinds us. Jesus cries over Jerusalem, showing God's deep care. Jesus is angry when people can't connect with God. He wants everyone close, but greed at the temple blocks this. Jesus died to remove barriers between people and God. He made a way for everyone to be with God by dying on the cross.
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