Good Friday (Special)

Good Friday (Special)

God himself is put on trial before a court of liars. He remains silent and embraces torture, mockery, and death on our behalf. Good Friday is only good because Jesus was not a victim on the cross, but a conqueror.

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Isaiah 53:4-5
Good Friday is a time to think about the cross and how much Christ sacrificed. Before Jesus died, He suffered a lot - court trials, beatings, and mocking. Good Friday is a sad story, but it's also about hope. Jesus faced it all with courage and focused on freeing us from sin. Imagine Peter's guilt when he denied Jesus. Fear made him hide his faith. Seeing Jesus as he denied Him made Peter feel awful. We'll explore his guilt in the next episodes. Despite Peter's struggle, Jesus stayed strong. Now, let's continue. Caiaphas, Herod, Pilate, and soldiers thought they had power, but Jesus was the true authority. Even in suffering, Jesus showed strength through humility. He endured pain for us. His suffering was a victory over sin, death, and despair. Good Friday is dark, but Sunday brings hope. Reflect on Christ's sacrifice. Remember His love for you. Even in darkness, know that He brings light.
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