He is Risen

He is Risen

Jesus appears to Mary and the other women. They worship him, unable to believe what they are seeing. With a spark in their hearts, they run to tell the disciples.

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Mark 16:6 WEB
Have you ever felt stuck in darkness? Hopeless, like the world has lost its joy? We’ve all felt down. But Jesus' light breaks through any darkness. Today, we're at Jesus' empty tomb with Mary Magdalene, Mary, Salome, and Joanna. Despite the sunny day, they're grieving. Like many, they feel stuck in despair. But then, an angel appears with hopeful news: "He is Risen!" God chose these women as the first witnesses of Jesus' resurrection, breaking social norms. This shows that, in God's eyes, everyone is equal. As the women spread the news, they saw the world differently. The resurrection changed our perspective, too. Life's problems remain, but now we see them in light of victory. The resurrection isn't just a story; it's our hope and assurance. It brings hope to the burdened, marginalized, and anyone feeling hopeless. Let the joy of the empty tomb color your world today. He is risen!
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