I'm Going Fishing

I'm Going Fishing

Peter needs to escape his dark memories, so he returns to what he knows best - fishing. As he goes out, a thousand memories rush back into his mind. Memories of failure and faith.

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John 21:7
We've been on a tough journey with Peter, weighed down by shame, unable to face Jesus. Shame is heavy, making Peter doubt if he deserves God's grace. This is just the start of Peter's journey back to Jesus. The disciples go back to fishing half-heartedly like they're giving up after everything they've been through. Many of us believers find ourselves in this place, too. We start strong, full of hope and excitement, but then suffering hits. Peter faced it and messed up big time. Peter's journey mirrors ours—seeing, believing, and then facing hardships. When life gets tough, we often retreat to old habits, like Peter going back to fishing. It's safe but unfulfilling. Peter's encounter with Jesus while fishing taught him not to be defined by his past mistakes. We shouldn't let shame hold us back from embracing forgiveness and moving towards our purpose. Jesus offers restoration and grace to those who seek it.
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