I Will Be With You

I Will Be With You

Jesus walks the shores of Galilee one last time, and reassures His beloved apostles that He will always be with them. Then, shrouded in glory, He ascends into heaven.

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Matthew 28:19-20
Jesus chose the perfect time to save us. From our view, it might seem like a bad time. Israel was conquered, and the rulers were cruel. So, the disciples hoped Jesus would take over and fix things. But Jesus had a different plan. He wanted them to spread his message, not fight for power. He said they'd get help from the Holy Spirit to do it. His way is about love, not force. He taught us to love our enemies, not fight them. We're supposed to share Jesus' message like the early Christians did. They talked to people they knew and lived out Jesus' teachings. The Gospel changes lives. It's the power of Jesus' Spirit at work, bringing hope and new life. That's what we're here to share with the world.
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