Jesus' Brother

Jesus' Brother

Jesus pays a special visit to one of his greatest critics… James… During this intimate moment, James realizes who his brother actually is, and wrestles with all the feelings

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James 1:12
Like others, James doubted Jesus, thinking he'd lost his mind. But after Jesus' resurrection, everything changed. Jesus appeared to James, proving life after death. This and Jesus' flawless character convinced James of his divinity. James' journey from skeptic to believer shows the power of resurrection and righteousness. Jesus' sinlessness and return from death affirmed his deity. James' faith grew, and he dedicated his life to spreading this truth. His story mirrors our struggles with regret and the search for redemption. Like James, we can find hope and purpose in Jesus' resurrection, transforming our lives and guiding us forward. This narrative reflects Easter's significance, reminding us of the power of redemption and the promise of new beginnings.
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