Jesus Heals The Deaf & Mute Man

Jesus Heals The Deaf & Mute Man

Jesus heals a deaf and mute man, transforming his life and astonishing the crowd. Despite Jesus' request for silence, the miracle's news spreads quickly.

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Mark 7:36
The story of Jesus healing the deaf and mute man is a remarkable demonstration of His power and compassion. When Jesus encounters this man, He takes him aside, away from the crowd, and performs a series of intimate actions to heal him. Jesus puts His fingers into the man’s ears, spits, and touches the man’s tongue. Then He looks up to heaven and commands, “Ephphatha,” meaning “Be opened.” Instantly, the man’s hearing and speech are restored, astonishing the crowd. Although Jesus requested that the miracle be kept private, the news spread rapidly. This episode highlights the boundless power of Jesus' ministry and His deep compassion for individuals, encouraging us to trust in His ability to bring transformation to our lives.
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