Zemira, burdened by shame, meets Jesus at a well. He reveals himself as the Messiah and offers living water, challenging societal norms and inviting worship in Spirit and truth. Jesus confronts her struggles, offering hope and redemption
In the scorching heat of the day, Zemira, burdened by shame and sin, finds herself at the well, avoiding the judgment of others.
Meanwhile, Jesus and his disciples journey through Samaria, challenging prejudice and tradition. At the well, Jesus offers Zemira living water, sparking a conversation that unveils her past and present struggles.
Despite her attempts to deflect, Jesus reveals himself as the Messiah, offering hope and redemption beyond religious boundaries. Like Zemira, we're invited to confront our shame and find healing in the truth of Jesus' grace.
Through this encounter, Jesus dismantles societal norms, affirming that true worship transcends physical locations and religious divisions, inviting us to worship in Spirit and truth.
This story reminds us that Jesus meets us in our brokenness, offering hope, redemption, and a new way of living.
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Troy Brewer
Troy Brewer is a tireless student of God's Word and sold-out believer in all things prophetic. Pastor at OpenDoor Church in Burleson, Texas, Troy's radio and television programs are broadcast worldwide. He is a global missionary known for his radical love for Jesus, unique teaching style, and his passion for serving people. Troy rescues girls and boys from sex trafficking worldwide through his ministry AnswerInternational.org.