Stress: Jesus & Martha

Stress: Jesus & Martha

While Mary listens to Jesus, Martha is busy and frustrated, asking Jesus to tell Mary to help her. Jesus gently reminds Martha that listening to Him is the most important thing.

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Luke 10:41-42
The story of Jesus visiting Martha and Mary illustrates the tension between busyness and the need for spiritual nourishment. Martha, focused on preparing her home and ensuring everything is perfect, becomes overwhelmed by the demands of hosting Jesus. Meanwhile, her sister Mary chooses to sit at Jesus' feet and listen to His teachings. When Martha expresses her frustration, Jesus gently reminds her that Mary has chosen what is better. This interaction highlights the importance of prioritizing presence and listening over constant activity. It teaches us that, amidst our busy lives, we should find time to be with Jesus, recognizing that true fulfillment comes from being present with Him.
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