The Good Samaritan Part 1

The Good Samaritan Part 1

Jesus confronts the prevailing belief that only a few people are worthy of our love, trust, and respect. The Parable of the Good Samaritan stands as a beacon of light against the darkness of prejudice, hate, and tribalism.

In the story of the Good Samaritan, Jesus answers: who is our neighbor? This question is vital in our divided world. The Samaritan is a surprising hero. He helps a man who others ignore. Ezra, the main character, learns a lesson. He thought he could trust people who looked like him. But appearances can deceive. Just like Samuel learned in 1 Samuel 16:7, God looks at the heart, not appearances. Zevul seemed harmless, but he wasn't. He tricked Ezra, showing that backgrounds don't define us. Christ unifies people from all backgrounds. Labels don't matter, what matters is how Christ changes our hearts.
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