The Good Samaritan Part 2

The Good Samaritan Part 2

The Parable of the Good Samaritan communicates the upside-down kingdom of God - where the religious elite are shown as hypocrites, and the humble outcasts are shown as heroes.

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Luke 6:36
Ezra needed help, but the people who should have helped didn't. The religious leaders walked by, too busy or unwilling to help. They knew the right things, but they didn't show love. James teaches us that faith without action is empty. Just saying the right things isn't enough. If our faith doesn't make us help others, what good is it? The excuses they made are ones we still use today. "I'm too busy," or "It's not my problem." These excuses show our lack of care. Whether it's fear or selfishness, they stop us from helping. Then, a Samaritan, someone looked down on, helps Ezra. His actions show true love. He doesn't care about labels or divisions. In a divided world, love is the answer. Hatred and judgment won't fix things.
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