The Man Born Blind

The Man Born Blind

Jesus heals a man born blind, revealing that true vision goes beyond physical sight. The man's faith grows despite skepticism, teaching us to see with the eyes of faith and trust in God's greater purpose.

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John 9:25
Have you ever considered how seeing goes beyond physical sight? The story of Jesus healing a man born blind invites us to explore the deeper meaning of vision and faith. When Jesus encounters the man, He declares that his blindness is not due to sin but so “the works of God should be made manifest in him.” How often do we judge others’ circumstances without seeing God’s greater purpose? Jesus heals the man by making mud, applying it to his eyes, and instructing him to wash in the Pool of Siloam. The man obeys and gains his sight, but his journey does not end there. He faces skepticism and hostility from the religious leaders, who challenge his healing and question Jesus’ authority. Despite their disbelief, the man’s faith grows stronger as he recognizes Jesus as a prophet and, ultimately, the Son of God. What does this teach us about maintaining our faith in the face of doubt and opposition? This story illustrates that true vision is about seeing with the eyes of faith.
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