The Prodigal Son Part 1

The Prodigal Son Part 1

There are two brothers. One is a rule follower; the other is a thrill seeker. Perhaps you fall into one of these two camps. Either way, there’s a lesson for you…

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1 John 3:1
The famous tale of the Prodigal Son has got two brothers - one who plays by the rules, the other who loves adventure. Meet Abiathar, the dad, and Jerameal, the wild child. In stories like these, the dad usually stands for God. God's like a caring dad, even if our earthly dads weren't great. Jesus showed us God as a loving father, always there for us. But what about Jerameal? He asks for his share of the family money, basically saying, "I wish you were dead!" Surprisingly, his dad gives it to him. It's like God letting us make our own mistakes. Just like Jerameal, we all have that itch to be independent, which often leads to trouble. But God's always there, ready to welcome us back.
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