The Prodigal Son Part 2

The Prodigal Son Part 2

We meet Amnon, the do-gooder - the good kid - the one who stuck around. He’s done his best to do the right thing all his life. So, when he sees his younger brother squandering his father’s wealth and galavanting off into the sunset, he’s understandably bitter.

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Philippians 2:3
How do we treat people who mess up? Judge them? Let them fall? Or do we remember we mess up too and need help? Today, we're back with the Prodigal Son. Last time, we met Abiathar and Jarahmeel. Now it's Amnon's turn, the goody-two-shoes who stayed. Amnon is like those strict Jews in Jesus' time, always following rules, and always striving. But it made them bitter. Ever felt that? You may not hurt people, but if you're bitter, you're not better. Jesus cares about your heart. We're all flawed, no matter how good we look. Instead of judging others, look at yourself. That's how we really help them.
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