The Prodigal Son Part 3

The Prodigal Son Part 3

Jarhameel took his father’s inheritance, essentially wishing that he would die. It’s an egregious insult, but the father gives him what he wants. Sometimes to show us the error of our ways, God gives us exactly what we want. It’s only then do we realize that what we needed all along was in the Father’s loving embrace.

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Luke 15:32
Jarhameel asks for his share of the inheritance, saying he wishes his dad was dead. Shockingly, his dad gives it to him. Sometimes God lets us have what we think we want to show us we need His love most. This story shows us God as a loving dad, not a distant judge. He's always reaching out to us, even when we feel unworthy. He loves us so much He paid a huge price to bring us back to Him. Both sons in the story miss the point of their relationship with their dad, seeking his stuff instead of him. Jesus teaches us that real sin is being far from God, valuing His gifts more than His love. The elder brother reminds us how dangerous it is to think we're better than others. Jesus, our true Elder Brother, didn't just accept us back; He died for us. This is what true salvation is about. Remember these truths this week: God's love, our sins, salvation, Jesus' sacrifice, and the transformed life He offers us. Let's live as His beloved children, sharing His love with others.
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