The Shrewd Manager

The Shrewd Manager

This parable is often considered one of the most difficult to understand. Why? Because Jesus uses a villain as an example of what to do. The tale of the Shrewd Manager is a morally fuzzy story. But if we dig deep enough, there will be heavenly meaning for us and lessons on how to treat the resources God has entrusted to us.

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Proverbs 22:1
The Parable of the Shrewd Manager is about a dishonest guy who plans for his future. He's not good, but he's clever. Jesus uses this story to teach us about managing what God gives us. Jabez, the manager, wasn’t honest, but he was smart. Jesus wants us to learn from him. He's talking to his disciples and the Pharisees, showing them that even a dishonest person can be wise with money. The master praised Jabez's cleverness, not his morals. He wants us to be smart like Jabez with our resources, thinking about the future. Jesus challenges us to be as sharp spiritually as Jabez was with money. He wants us to be serious about our faith and use our resources for good. The Pharisees were lazy in their spiritual life. Jesus wants us to be more passionate about God's Kingdom. Our wealth can be a tool for good or selfishness. We can't serve both God and money. Jesus urges us to use our money to help others and build relationships. Are you serving God or money?
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