The Talents

The Talents

This parable is another punch to the jaw, as Jesus warns us about neglecting the gifts and opportunities entrusted to us. This story is meant to inspire us to be people of action. The Gospel requires we take risks… Are you willing to step out in faith?

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Luke 12:48
The Parable of The Ten Virgins, tells us not to waste our chances. In the story, three servants are given different amounts of money. It's not about the amount but how they use it. The lesson? It's about being faithful to what we're given. The reward isn't just more money but entering the joy of our master. We'll all answer for what we did with the gospel and the gifts God gave us. Don't be like the servant who buried their talent. Doing nothing is a big deal too. God wants us to respond to the gospel, not ignore it. Whether you've said "yes" to Jesus or not, it's time to act. Don't miss out on the joy of knowing Christ.
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