The Ten Lepers

The Ten Lepers

Jesus healing ten lepers, but only one returns to thank Him.

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Luke 17:19
Have you ever experienced a moment of profound gratitude that changed your perspective? The story of Jesus healing the ten lepers offers a powerful lesson on the importance of faith and gratitude. When ten lepers cry out to Jesus for mercy, He instructs them to show themselves to the priests. As they go, they are miraculously healed. How often do we seek God’s help in our times of need but forget to thank Him once our prayers are answered? Among the ten, only one, a Samaritan, returns to thank Jesus. Jesus responds, “Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine?” This moment underscores the significance of gratitude and the deeper relationship it fosters with God. What does it mean for us to not only receive God’s blessings but also to return and give thanks? The Samaritan’s act of returning to thank Jesus highlights the transformative power of gratitude. Reflect on your life and consider the blessings you might have overlooked.
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