The Ten Young Women

The Ten Young Women

As we take a good look at Matthew 25:1–13, we must acknowledge up front that there has been much debate as to the meaning. At least one aspect of this parable can be known with absolute certainty — The bridegroom is Jesus, and this parable describes His return.

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Romans 8:9
Today's story, the Parable of The Ten Virgins, talks about being prepared for Jesus' return. In the parable, the bridesmaids wait for the bridegroom. Half of them bring extra oil for their lamps, but the other half doesn't. When the bridegroom comes, the unprepared ones ask for oil, but it's too late. Oil represents the Holy Spirit. Having faith means having our own relationship with God. We can't rely on others' faith. Without our own faith, we'll be unprepared for Jesus' return. So, let's not wait until it's too late to build our relationship with God. Let's not just look the part but lack true faith inside. Let's ensure our lamps are filled with oil, ready for the bridegroom's arrival.
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